I've got a basic simple NETWORK., Router with a USB drive shared on it, 2 PC's, one W11, the other W10. A printer and scanner as well.
On W11, NET VIEW returns an Error 53., one W10, shows me all the connected devices?
If I use on W11 NET VIEW \\share_name, it works fine.
On Windows File Explorer, on W10 it sees both the W10 PC and the W11PC and I can drill down and see the contents of the drives on the PC's. W11 shows me only the W10 PC, printer, scanner and some other non-PC device, including the Router and the USB drive attached?
I have on W11 SMB fully enabled. Searched the web for the problem and DID all the setting and Services verified to be correct?
I am at a loss? I did have Wifi 6 router before with an Intel M.2 AX1650i card. It didn't work then either, and now, I'm on Wifi 7 with an Intel BE200 M.2 card, and the problem persists. 2 different routers and M.2 cards, so I assume this IS not Network itself related.
This does appear to be from Google searches a common problem, but it seems most are easily solved with some settings changes? Doesn't work for me?
Any ideas? This has been going on for months.
For example. some DOS CMD's:
C:\>net view
System error 53 has occurred.
The network path was not found.
But this works if I try to see the router and its USB drive::
C:\>net view \\tp-share
Shared resources at \\tp-share
Share name Type Used as Comment
G Disk
The command completed successfully.
Makes no sense.
I've tried it with the W10 PC off as well, as I sort of suspected a Master Browser (that does not exist) problem), and the results are the same.