How to put your second router as an access point?
1- Connect to your router web interface (preferably via ethernet)
If you don’t know how, you can:
- Look for the sticker that is on your router (usually on the back) or inside the manual.
- Go to Start -> type CMD and press enter
Now type “ipconfig”
After that, look for the “Default Gateway” section
Copy and paste the address that you see in your preferred browser. It is most likely something like 192.168.X.Y (X and Y are numbers)
2- Sign in
Every vendor has his own set of username and password. Look for what you have in the manual or on the sticker on your router (usually on the back).
If you purchased your router from your ISP and you replaced it with a new one, and the default credentials are wrong, contact them to obtain the username and password (some of them change the default ones).
3- Turn on the access point (AP) mode
- Go to operational mode -> access mode -> on (sometimes it defers depending on the brand’s firmware)
And connect your main router with your intended access point router, preferably using ethernet cable, plugging one end to a Lan port and the other one to the AP’s Wan port.
- If your router doesn’t have AP mode, and it’s IP address is the same as the main one (e.g.: the main one is and the second one is we have to change it.
- Usually we go to the Lan settings in the web interface,
We want to change the IP address to something in the range of the DHCP of the main router.
(e.g.: if the main one is usually it’s DHCP range is between and
We want to disable the DHCP function on the AP.
PS: if you are setting more than one router please make sure that you don’t write the same IP address to all of them.
connect your main router with your intended access point router, preferably using ethernet cable, plugging one end to a Lan port and the other one to one of the AP’s Lan port.
And Voila! You have converted your router into an access point! Happy networking 😊
PS: If you see the need to delete this, please feel free to do so. Have a great day!