I have had issues with lock ups, usually playing games after a while or sometimes at random.
After investigating . I found every lock up or crash was Kernal Power Event 41.
Another thing that is odd. Is the video drivers and all the drivers had to be reinstalled after one crash a week ago. It only gave low resolution and one monitor out of 4.
Before this last crash it gave a warning of \driver\WUDFRd failed to load for the device Root\display\0000
So its aiming to a driver issue.
I have checked connections with motherboard for graphic card, cleaned up everything. Checked power connections and still do not know what it could be.
Here is my specs.
Windows 11 pro.
AMD 3900x
Asus Prim x570 MB
Corsair Vengence 64 gb
MP 600 Main windows SSD