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Are US Republicans Putins best ally in the world?

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#1 Naught McNoone

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Posted 18 January 2024 - 02:47 PM

Are US Republicans Putin's best ally in the world?

Republicans have demanded changes in immigration policy in exchange for tens of billions of dollars in military and economic assistance for Ukraine. Bipartisan negotiations on what that should include have been unsuccessful.

At the end of 2023 funding for US military aid to Ukraine ran dry.

A new funding bill was put before Congress, only to be "High Jacked" by the Republican caucus.

Republicans are insisting that a bill about US/Mexican border security be tied to Ukrainian aid.

So tell me, what does a life and death struggle in defence of Democracy in Europe have to do with an immigration issue at the Mexican border?

The Republicans are refusing to negotiate, and consider their bill written in stone.

Biden has said:

"Republicans aren’t willing to engage in the give-and-take required of a negotiation but instead think they can get everything they want."
USA Today, 13 December 2023

Sen. Lindsey Graham says:

“We’re wildly apart . . . Now they’re willing to literally kneecap Ukraine on the battlefield and damage our national security in the process.”
USA Today, 13 December 2023


With 220 seats in the Congressional Legislature, the Speaker of the House and the Majority Party Leader set the agenda.  The Republicans could force their "Border Security" through, on its own.

By tying it directly to the Ukrainian aid bill, and shutting down negotiation and debate, they are placing the Democrats in an impossible situation.

The way I see it is that there are three choices.

Give in and let the Republicans dictate immigration policy.  Bear in mind that there is no guarantee that there will be no return to locking children in cages, and separating families in different facilities in different states.

Refuse to co-operate, and stand firm on principal.  That leaves Ukraine with nice equipment, like M109 155mm self propelled guns, and no source of ammunition or spare parts.  The Republicans can just ram their bill in later, any way.

Lastly, Biden has the authority to supply Ukraine from existing stocks of ammunition and spare parts that a in current inventory of the US Army and USMC.  The issue with this is that Biden still has to find the money to replace the items sent to Ukraine.

So, with no motivation, except other than spite, the Republicans are willing to let a democratic European nation succumb to a tyrannical regime.  A regime run by the former head of the KGB, and once considered "The Evil Empire" by said Republicans.


Putin must be enjoying this.  He is watching the Americans do more damage to Ukrainian, then any number of human waves are doing now, on the battlefield.


He could not ask for more!




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#2 JohnnyBeeGood


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 10:15 AM

Are US Republicans Putin's best ally in the world?


Yes, It appears so.

#3 cryptodan


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 01:19 PM

100% secure border should be on the minds of all patriotic Americans.

Patriots should want LEGAL IMMIGRATION if you don't support legal immigration policies then you are not a patriot and you are not proud if your nation by allowing an invasion at the southern border if we can afford wasting billions in Ukraine we can sure enough afford to spend billions to completely secure the southern border and to deport all those that come here illegally and are trafficking women and children to be sold as sex slaves and to exploit them.

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#4 NickAu


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 07:43 PM

100% secure border should be on the minds of all patriotic Americans.
So if thats true, why do Republicans constantly refuse to approve ANY bills by the Biden govt?
They claim Biden doesn’t want to stem illegal immigration and has created an “open border”.
Rubbish. Since he took office, Biden has consistently asked for additional funding for border control.
Republicans have just as consistently refused. They’re voting to cut Customs and Border Protection funding in spending bills and blocking passage of Biden’s $106bn national security supplemental that includes border funding.
They say undocumented immigrants are stealing American jobs.

I have yet t hear a single American say " I was a white American fruit picker that made less than $7 an hour and I lost my job to a illegal immigrant. The fact is that if it wasn't for the illegals most of your farm produce would rot in the fields and you would starve.

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#5 cryptodan


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 07:52 PM

I wonder how much pork is that bill such as wasteful spending in Ukraine where we have no threats from Russia. The billions wasted on Ukraine could have easily secured the border and provided additional funding for infrastructure.

They aren't undocumented they are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS quit sugar coating things. Go through a port to make it legal and follow the process and the LAWS OF THE NATION YOU WANT TO CALL HOME if you want to be considered a LEGAL IMMIGRANT OF THE UNITED STATES.

There is an invasion at the southern border and they are being funded by democrats and liberals. If you believe that they are poor and victims then explain why many of them appear to be well fed and chatting on cell phones all while claiming they walked thousands of miles from Central America to our southern border.

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#6 NickAu


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 08:12 PM

LOL.... catch up with the facts.



MTG, Boebert, Gatez and the rest of the MAGA crew have said they will oppose " any " bill introduced by Biden no matter what it says.


Just as an example.


MTG is opposed to the govt helping Panasonic open a battery making factory in her district that would provide thousands of well paying " union" jobs to the people that voted for her simply to own Biden and the libs.


Trump your hero wants to see the US stock market and economy collapse before November making the great depression look like a walk in the park simply to win the election and own the libs


But you ignore those facts dont you Dan



Trump also had the opportunity to make it a felony to enter the USA illegally but left it as a Misdemeanor

Edited by NickAu, 19 January 2024 - 08:18 PM.

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#7 cryptodan


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 08:18 PM

Lol and the same was done under trumps administration and you making MAGA seem evil and fascist just shows you how clueless you andvmany like you are.

MTG, Bobert, Goetz, are the equivalents of the squad in the fascist democrat party of America.

Bidens America is a pure bleep hole and his policies are only making it worse.

That's even if Biden is in charge but I doubt it.

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#8 NickAu


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 08:32 PM

Well whoever is in charge and I suspect its vice president the right honorable Kamala Harris is doing a great job.


Record unemployment


Inflation is low


A record stock market,,, 37000 points. And as Trump said a great stock market = great economy



On a personal note



Whoever is in charge I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart because I made a significant amount of US green backs from it even after paying all due taxes to the US govt. 


Keep up the good work because I would like to buy a 4th investment property and another new Tesla or 2.




Heck at this rate I may even get a Tesla cybertruck.

Edited by NickAu, 19 January 2024 - 08:36 PM.

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#9 JohnnyBeeGood


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 08:40 PM

@ Dan


100% secure border should be on the minds of all patriotic Americans.


While I agree with the statement concerning an actual invasion, it's rather strange coming from someone that claimed he wouldn't defend our nation unless foreign troops were on our soil.

#10 JohnnyBeeGood


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Posted 19 January 2024 - 08:47 PM

@ Dan


There is an invasion at the southern border


If people crossing the border illegally bothers you, why isn't repelling a foreign enemy on your agenda?

#11 Naught McNoone

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Posted 20 January 2024 - 12:58 PM

The Republicans are pushing an agenda that says the US is spending too much money on Ukraine.


Some Republicans, notably Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, and, Marjorie Taylor Greene, have a hard position on Ukraine funding.  They argue that support for Ukraine is wrong.  This has been taken up by the extreme right of the party.


These are members of an isolationist group, within the Republican Party, and appear to be motivated by Donald Trump. Trump has repeatedly questioned aid to Ukraine and refused to commit to supporting Kyiv.


Trumps position appears to be more out of spite, than actual statesmanship.  He openly turned against Ukraine when President Zelensky refused to be blackmailed into digging up dirt on the Biden's.



So, how much does aid to Ukraine Compares to Other U.S. Spending?


Let us look at some examples.

The following figures are from the end of the 2022 fiscal year.


Total US Budget in 2022 was $6.3T (Trillion).  That is $6,300,000,000,000.00.


Of that, $812B (Billion), was spent on the US Military.


$475B was used for interest payments on the US Federal debt.


The NASA budget in 2022 was $29B.



A few other interesting facts about US spending:


The State of Virginia budget was $81B, in 2023


The TARP program, (Troubled Assets Relief Program), used to bailout US industrial and financial institutions in 2008, spent $700B.


Total aid to Ukraine in 2022 was $75B.


That $75 billion included Humanitarian and Relief support, not just the Military.  That included food, medical supplies, emergency equipment, &c.


Only about $41B was spent on the Ukrainian Military.

Read that carefully.  It was money SPENT on the Ukrainian Military, NOT money given to Ukraine.


The huge chunk of that cash was spent in the US, to purchased items for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.




How does that compare to other US Foreign spending?


A report from the Costs of War project at Brown University shows that over 20 years since 9/11, wars have cost the U.S. an estimated $8T (Trillion).

(In addition, over 59,000 American casualties, between Iraq and Afghanistan alone, have been born by the American people.)


In the two years since the main Russian invasion, the US has helped Ukraine inflict over 375,000 Russian casualties, without the loss of a single serving US Military member.


How does the aid spending work?

The US sends Ukraine equipment, weapons, ammunition, &c., sitting in US Military stockpiles.
The money is then used it to replenish their stores, with new equipment.


For the military, it is a win/win situation.
They are cycling out items which are approaching "End of Shelf Life", like artillery fuses, in exchange for brand-new ones.
These are items that, in the next year, would be written off anyway, and sent for disposal.

Ukraine then sends those perfectly good fuses, attached to the appropriate shell, to the Muskovites, via US made 105mm and 155mm artillery pieces.


(For a donation to the UAF, you can have your own message written on the side of a shell, before it is fired at the invaders.  You will get a digital photo of the shell by email, just before it is launched.)



Who else benefits from the arrangement?


Things like Patriot missiles are made in Arizona. Artillery shells manufactured in 12 states across the US. Places like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas.  That's right.  Republican states.

The Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot, by blocking aid to Ukraine.





The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) -


2022 US Budget -


U.S. Security Cooperation with Ukraine Fact Sheet -,Ukraine's%20sovereignty%20and%20territorial%20integrity.


U.S. Aid to Ukraine, Explained, December 2, 2022 -


Costs of War project at Brown University


US DoD as of 10 a.m. EST January 3, 2024 -


BBC - Why are some Republicans opposing more aid for Ukraine? -


CNN -  $113 billion: Where the US investment in Ukraine aid has gone? September 21, 2023 -


#12 cryptodan


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Posted 20 January 2024 - 01:06 PM

You read it again UKRANIAN MILITARY that is still giving money to Ukraine unless you don't think the UKRANIAN MILITARY isn't representing Ukraibe reading comprehension matters.

The media and the us government report over 100 billion given to ukraine tgst money could build many walls at the southern border and hire more border patrol agents to better protect the southern border from an invasion paid for snd supported by liberal antiamerican democrats tgst want to see the United States turn into a 3rd world bleephole like they've done to many great cities like Baltimore, Chicago, NYC, San Jose, and many more.

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#13 NickAu


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Posted 20 January 2024 - 03:41 PM

Why are some Republicans opposing more aid for Ukraine? -


Because Zelensky wouldn't play ball with Trump on digging up dirt on Biden which of course would have constituted election interference by a foreign power. Its plain old payback.

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#14 NickAu


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Posted 20 January 2024 - 05:25 PM

In the two years since the main Russian invasion, the US has helped Ukraine inflict over 375,000 Russian casualties, without the loss of a single serving US Military member.


Well there's the problem staring you right in the face............... NO AMERICAN SOLDIERS DIED,

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#15 0lds0d


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Posted 20 January 2024 - 11:27 PM

The Russian and Ukraine conflict isn't really a US concern. If anyone is concerned it should be the Europeans doing the help Ukraine routine. They are the closest to this issue as being Russian neighbors  and should be the most worried about it.

Let those Euros do something besides letting the US do their job for them. The Europeans should be doing all of the suppling of  the ammo and weapons, food stuff and rations, fuel, etc. for the support of Ukraine.

Or does the US have to bail out Europe again as they did in WW1 and WW2 and once again pay for it too?

Edited by 0lds0d, 20 January 2024 - 11:31 PM.

Colossians 3:12-3

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