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Philosophy: Could Transhumanism Be The Next Step in Human Evolution?

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#16 JohnnyBeeGood


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Posted 30 December 2023 - 11:08 PM

There are always those who are stronger and wealthier and more knowledgeable then you'll ever be


just as there are those much bigger, stronger, and more resilient then you ........................


How odd...I was just thinking the!



Education doesn't equal worth lot

........say what?   :grinner:



.... and then you will cry because you took away your defenses and they lay pillage to your sweet ideological utopian villages and nations.

hmm? .......and your stance allowing Russian Federation expansion into Europe?

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#17 JohnnyBeeGood


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Posted 30 December 2023 - 11:22 PM

When I see transhumanism, I think super soldiers.  Men who are so hard-hearted that they focus on ruthless killing with no remorse whatsoever.


I do understand the fear of that, but I have read that the future of warfare is likely to include a lot of AI guided weaponry that choose their targets.

No emotion, no empathy, no morality, no ethics.

Trumpers.... :hysterical:

#18 cryptodan


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Posted 30 December 2023 - 11:25 PM

Europe should have Kept their militaries and not create the joke that is the European Union and have to rely on NATO, and had Ukraine not demilitarized themselves they'd be better equipped now wouldn't they? Interesting tgat zelenksy armed it's citizens meanwhile there are those around the world and within the United States wanting to abolish the 2nd amendment do we'd be weaker and have to depend on the military oh wait there those in the usa wanting to disband the department of defense infavor of universal Healthcare, universal basic income, and other crap.

You reap what you sow. To bad ukraine became a weakened nation with no defenses and now relies upon billions of us dollars that could better spent on the usa and our population and infrastructure like green energy and renewable sources something those that want to get rid of fossil fuels but support the wasteful spending of our tax payer dollars in a war we shouldn't be involved in, and they show their hypocritical thought process and lacking logic and intelligence.

100 billion could go along way in renewable energy and infrastructure research and development, but no you don't see that.

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#19 JohnnyBeeGood


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Posted 30 December 2023 - 11:52 PM

Europe should have......

You only fail to rationalize Russian aggression.


To bad ukraine became a weakened nation...

Indeed, and too bad mind sets like yours argue to keep them that way,


...billions of us dollars that could better spent on the usa

The fallacy in that comment is that the rightwing extremism you support argues to gut government programs.


our population and infrastructure like green energy and renewable sources something those that want to get rid of fossil fuels but support the wasteful spending of our tax payer dollars in a war we shouldn't be involved in

First, you don't support clean/green energy and it's obvious in other threads.

Second, you already presented a solution that entailed actually exterminating the human race.

So do I take you seriously, now?...Nah!


and they show their hypocritical thought process and lacking logic and intelligence.

You seem to have forgotten many of your past arguments.



100 billion could go along way in renewable energy and infrastructure research and development, but no you don't see that.

100 billion is only a small start, but Republicans in Congress won't sign off on necessary infrastructure funding.

Your argument is irrelevant.


You only appease Putin.



You reap what you sow.

 And those that support the overthrow of the US government?

You have a lot of explaining on that one.

Edited by JohnnyBeeGood, 31 December 2023 - 12:04 AM.

#20 JohKe


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Posted 31 December 2023 - 08:29 AM

How did transhumanism turn into the Russian Ukrainian conflict lol

#21 JohnnyBeeGood


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Posted 31 December 2023 - 08:57 AM

As usual, these things seem to start with Dan:


and then you will cry because you took away your defenses and they lay pillage to your sweet ideological utopian villages and nations.


Dan is all for defense so long as it doesn't restrict Russian aggression.

He's even posted that he wouldn't defend the US until foreign troops are physically within our borders.

IMO, that's a bit late.


It's apparently a left over emotion from the Trump era.

#22 NickAu


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Posted 01 January 2024 - 12:45 AM

I see nothing wrong with using technology to advance the human condition,


If a person  has  bad knee should they get it replaced/upgraded or should they suffer?


Should a person be condemned to a lifetime of deafness or could a simple cochlear implant be better?


A person with a bad heart can have a pacemaker installed and live a long life instead of dying, 

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#23 JohnnyBeeGood


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Posted 01 January 2024 - 08:38 AM

I see nothing wrong with using technology to advance the human condition,

I agree.....but....


Change one word and the context changes :


I see nothing wrong with using technology to control the human condition, 


While your post still holds for the examples given, a problem arises with brain augmentation....and that is potential control over a subject's actions, thoughts and even memories.

There is a possibility of becoming a wet robot.



Some interesting reading:

#24 mjd420nova


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Posted 01 January 2024 - 11:22 AM

Over the billions of years that it has taken for life to reach the point it has on this planet, there is no process to compare .Improve on what we are as an energy consuming parasite on an unassuming ball of water orbiting a star that orbits a black hole that moves through the cosmos at half a million miles an hour.  Where are we headed?  Where did we come from??  The cellular collection that makes up the complex energy organism that has developed a brain can not be manipulated by any means and have any affect on future generations.  Only the changes of the entire solar system and its planets can have any real influence upon the generations to come and their genetic inheritance.

#25 JohnnyBeeGood


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Posted 01 January 2024 - 11:32 AM

The cellular collection that makes up the complex energy organism that has developed a brain can not be manipulated by any means and have any affect on future generations.


Evolution proves otherwise.

It's a history of adjusting to the influence of a changing environment.


Only the changes of the entire solar system and its planets can have any real influence upon the generations to come and their genetic inheritance. 


Same as above.

Edited by JohnnyBeeGood, 01 January 2024 - 11:34 AM.

#26 NickAu


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Posted 01 January 2024 - 07:34 PM



As a Linux user Im sure if they use brain augmentation tech that I will find open source software that I can modify to suit me LOL.


Think about it.............. " NickAu, Powered by Puppy Brain Linux 5.4"

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#27 JohnnyBeeGood


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Posted 01 January 2024 - 08:25 PM




I think I'll go with out....I don't need any more voices in my noggin.  :grinner:

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