Google has updated their Safe Browsing feature to warn visitors of sites that are considered deceptive. Google categorizes deceptive sites as ones that pretend to act, or try to look and feel, like a trusted company or ones that try to trick you into doing something like calling for tech support or installing software.  This feature is great news for Chrome users as it is not uncommon for adware purveyors to pretend to be trusted companies like Adobe, Google, or Microsoft in order to trick you into installing software that you do not need.

When Chrome users visit these types of sites, they will now be shown a warning that states that the site site you are visiting is deceptive. An example of what this warning looks like can be seen below.

Safe Browser Warning for Deceptive Sites
Safe Browser Warning for Deceptive Sites


If a user is shown this warning when browsing the web, they should be very cautious as to what information they provide or what they download and install if they decide to continue viewing the web page.