Registrars can now block people from registering tens of thousands of domain names that look like, are spelling variations of, or otherwise infringe on brand names.
Web hosting giant GoDaddy says it suffered a breach where unknown attackers have stolen source code and installed malware on its servers after breaching its cPanel shared hosting environment in a multi-year attack.
Internet security analysts have spotted a spike in backdoor infections on WordPress websites hosted on GoDaddy's Managed WordPress service, all featuring an identical backdoor payload.
GoDaddy says the recently disclosed data breach affecting roughly 1.2 million customers has also hit multiple Managed WordPress services resellers.
GoDaddy said in a data breach notification published today that the data of up to 1.2 million of its customers was exposed after hackers gained access to the company's Managed WordPress hosting environment.
Enter GoDaddy Websites + Marketing, which makes it incredibly easy to expand your reach via multiple popular platforms online, all without breaking the bank.
GoDaddy notified some of its customers that it had to reset their passwords after an unauthorized party used their web hosting account credentials to connect to their hosting account via SSH.
The Daily Stormer, the most well known of all white supremacy online portals, was forced to move today to the Dark Web after various service providers dropped the site from their infrastructure.
GoDaddy has informed The Daily Stormer, the top white supremacy site in the US, to find a new web host following a denigrating post against the woman who died over the weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia.