Name Filename Status Description
WDF Sound wdf.exe X

Added by the Cloud Packager miner.

This miner will use both your GPU and CPU resources to mine for digital currency.

NVU NvProfileUpdater64.exe X

Added by the Cloud Packager miner.

This miner will use both your GPU and CPU resources to mine for digital currency.

UC Browser Service UCService.exe X This Windows service is added by the UC Browser potentially unwanted program. UC Browser is commonly bundled with and installed via adware bundles that you download from the Internet.
safe_urls768 s768.exe X Added by the Browser Security potentially unwanted program.
PCOptimize PCOptimize.exe X

Added by the PC Optimize Trojan.

This Trojan will run silently in the background while transmitting data back to a remote computer under the developers control.

ShadowsocksS ShadowsocksS X Added by the Websock.exe, VPNTop, and Shadowsocks miner. This miner is installed via a program that pretends to be a VPN software, but instead installs a CPU miner on the computer.

It should be noted that while this program is installed as Shadowsocks, it is not the legitimate Shadowsocks proxy software.

TablacusApp2 TablacusApp.exe X This startup entry is for the TablacusApp potentially unwanted program. This program will sit silently running in the background, while connecting to numerous sites. As this activity is not disclosed, it is not suggested that it remain running.
vtuiso vtuiso.sys X This is the driver for the the MirageISO adware and affiliate commission software.
PPass.exe.lnk PPass.exe X Added by the PPass PUP. This program connects to remote sites and transmits data without indicate it is running in Windows.
kceidjgdigbhildogdafgekneemgibfe pythonw.exe X Added by the Mini&Comfortable TT adware and unwanted Chrome extension. It should be noted that Pythonw.exe is a legitimate Python for Windows executable. It should only be removed if found in this specific directory. Otherwise, you may cause legitimate applications to no longer work.
Telephone oxy.exe X This service is added by an adware program that installs the Privoxy proxy server. It then configures your computer to connect to this proxy server so that ads are injected into web sites as you are browsing the web.
svchostws start.vbs X Added by the Micro Foundation 7 Monero Miner Trojan. This Trojan will mine for monero coins on your computer without your permission. Please note that Wscript.exe is a legitimate program and should not be deleted.
svchostwn start64.vbs X Added by the Micro Foundation 7 Monero Miner Trojan. This Trojan will mine for monero coins on your computer without your permission. Please note that Wscript.exe is a legitimate program and should not be deleted.
RemoveIT Pro v9Ent removeit.exe X Added by the RemoveIT Pro 2017 Enterprise security program. In my test, this program detected numerous legitimate programs as infections and also stated a file, which did not even exist on the computer, was a threat. Due to this, the program should be avoided.
Windows Driver Service windriver.exe X This Windows service is added by the Novo Optimizer GPU miner. This program will use your computer's GPU to miner for digital currency. This will cause your computer to become slower.
Novo Ping Service npsvc.exe X This Windows service is added by the Novo Optimizer GPU miner. This program will use your computer's GPU to miner for digital currency. This will cause your computer to become slower.
Novo Optimization Service novoopt.exe X This Windows service is added by the Novo Optimizer GPU miner. This program will use your computer's GPU to miner for digital currency. This will cause your computer to become slower.
ShutdownTime ShutdownTime.exe X Added by the Shutdown Time adware. This program will install adware components that display a constant stream of advertisements in your browser.
exitnode exitnode.vbs X Added by the IP Ninja potentially unwanted program. This program configures your computer to act as a exit node for either a proxy service or a VPN service. This does not appear to be done with any warning to the user.
PignorateU PignorateU.exe X Added by the Pignorate Umbellately Fence Trojan.Clicker. This Trojan will constantly connect to remote sites and render them in the background so that the user does not see them.
Intel C:\Program Files\Intel\IntelService.exe X Added by the IntelService.exe Miner. It should be noted that srvany.exe is a legitimate program that in this case is being used to install the miner as a service.
Vatico.vbs Vatico.vbs X Added by the Vatico Monero CPU Miner.
WinResSync X This is a startup entry for the BlockAdsPro clicker Trojan. This infection will make constant connections to remote hosts in order to generate advertisement revenue for the developer. It should be noted that C:\Windows\System32\regsvr32.exe is a legitimate Windows program and should not be deleted.
SystemTools SystemTools.exe X Added by the SystemTools.exe Clicker Trojan.
msiql msiql.exe X Added by the Msiql.exe adware. This adware will display various sites and advertisements in your default browser.
File Helper fhelper.exe X Added by the MoneyFriend adware.
geforce_amd86 geforce_amd86.exe X Added by the Geforce_amd86.exe Trojan.
mediatek_86 mediatek_86.exe X Added by the WindowService Trojan. This Trojan is used to send information back to remote servers.
Zaxar Games Browser.lnk ZaxarLoader.exe X Added by the Zaxar Games Browser potentially unwanted program
QIPApp QIPApp.exe X Added by the QIPApp Adware.
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