Name Filename Status Description
Crusader VersionControl.exe X Added by the Crusader adware.
NSBlock NSBlockTray.exe X Added by the NSBlock potentially unwanted program.
SrcSrv winsrcsrv.exe X Added by the BetterAds adware.
ASC Validator ASCValidatorService.exe X Added by the Advance-System Care potentially unwanted program.
isMiner Update isMiner.exe U Added by the isMiner cryptocoin mining program. If you did not personally install the program, it should be removed from the computer.
smss.exe smss.exe X Added by the Minerd cryptocurrency miner.
AppTrailers AppTrailers.exe X Added by the AppTrailers potentially unwanted program.
MT MT.exe X Added by the Market Tool PUP.
PG Manager MainService.exe X Added by the ProxyGate PUP.
DailyWiki DailyWiki.exe X Added by the DailyWiki potentially unwanted program.
APCFX Validator APCFXValidatorService.exe X Added by the Advanced PC-Fixer potentially unwanted program.
Licensing Updater mqls.exe X Added by the Video Abductor potentially unwanted program.
Core Live Update mlus.exe X Added by the Video Abductor potentially unwanted program.
NowUSeeIt Player NowUSeeItPlayer.exe X Added by the NowUSeeIt Player adware.
eviddx eviddx.dll X Added by the DragonBoost PUP. Please note that Rundll32.exe is a legitimate Windows files and should not be removed.
tap0901 tap0901.sys U This is a driver associated with OpenVPN.
AdVpnProxyService AdVpnService.exe X Added by the AdVPN adware.
AdVPN Service AdVpnService.exe X Added by the AdVPN adware.
Network Driver Service qdcomsvc.exe X Added by the SmartService rootkit. This program is part of a kit that blocks security software from running. When you attempt to run the software, an alert will be displayed that states "The requested resource is in use.".
drmkpro64 drmkpro64.sys X Added by the SmartService Trojan. This driver blocks various anti-virus and anti-malware programs from running.
Spoutly.exe SpoutlyLauncher.exe X Added by a program that displays content from Spoutly on your desktop.
Update Service(FirefoxU) FirefoxUpdate.exe X Added by the browser hijacker.
FastCompress Fast_Support.exe X Added by the FastCompress-Zip potentially unwanted program.
FastCompress-Zip File Manager.lnk FM.exe X Added by the FastCompress-Zip potentially unwanted program.
Note-up note-up.exe X Added by the Note-UP potentially unwanted program.
[random_name] adsentinel.exe X Added by the AdSentinel adware program.
Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit mbae64.sys Y Added by the Malwarebytes anti-malware program.
MBAMProtection mbam.sys Y Added by the Malwarebytes anti-malware program.
MBAMSwissArmy MBAMSwissArmy.sys Y Added by the Malwarebytes anti-malware program.
MBAMWebProtection mwac.sys Y Added by the Malwarebytes anti-malware program.
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