• How to change email storage folder in Windows Live Mail Image

      How to change email storage folder in Windows Live Mail

      If your C: drive starts to run out of space, one of the most frustrating experiences can be figuring out what can be deleted or moved to another drive in order to free up storage. This is especially true with modern computers that are commonly configured with small SSD drives as their C: drive, which can easily run out of space due to their smaller storage capacity. If you are using Windows Live Mail it will store your email by default on your C: drive. If you are like me and save almost all of your email, then your Live Mail mail store can grow to a very large size. Thankfully, the program provides the ability to easily change the location where your mail is stored so that you can you move it to another drive that may have more free space available. This tutorial will walk you through changing where your Windows Live Mail e-mail is stored.

    • How to add Gmail to Windows 8 Mail Image

      How to add Gmail to Windows 8 Mail

      This tutorial will explain how to add Gmail to the Windows 8 Mail app. This tutorial will also walk you through troubleshooting issues you may encounter when using 2-step verification on your Google account.

    • All About E-mail Image

      All About E-mail

      According to a report by The Radicati Group on May 9th, 2006, there about 171 billion e-mail messages sent daily, 1.1 billion e-mail users worldwide, and 1.4 billion active e-mail accounts. These numbers are staggering and truly reflect how e-mail has become such an important medium for communicating with friends, family, colleagues, and clients. Though so many of you use e-mail all the time, how many of you truly understand how e-mail works? This tutorial is designed to give an overview of how e-mail works as well as related e-mail features. Hopefully after reading this tutorial, you will be a more informed users and consumer of e-mail products or services. This is going to be a long and detailed tutorial so I suggest you print it out and read it casually so you can absorb it all.

    • Using GMail as an Online Hard Drive Image

      Using GMail as an Online Hard Drive

      As many of you know, Gmail is Google's free web mail service that gives you 2+ Gigs of free storage for your email and attachments. Now that is a lot of storage; actually more storage than most people really need. So what can we do with all that extra storage you may be wondering? What if I told you that we could use all this extra storage to act as an online hard drive for you to store files?

    • Dealing with the Winmail.dat File Image

      Dealing with the Winmail.dat File

      On occasion you may receive a strange attachment in your email called Winmail.dat. When you try to open it Windows will not let you, and the person sending it to you has no idea what it is. Do not worry, there are many people who have this same problem. The Winmail.dat is sent by users who use Microsoft Outlook as their email client and who have the send as Rich Text setting enabled. The Rich Text setting allows for all the original formatting including colors and fonts to be seen by the recipient of the email. The problem is that this is only useful for recipients who use Microsoft Outlook. If you are using Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger, Eudora, or a myriad of other email clients, then you will instead receive the Winmail.dat attachment.

    • How to Repair Internet Explorer 6 and Outlook Express Image

      How to Repair Internet Explorer 6 and Outlook Express

      There are times when Internet Explorer 6 or Outlook Express will start crashing or producing errors for no apparent reason. You have cleaned out all Spyware and have had it verified at a Spyware Removal section, yet the problems still persist. Below we have outlined some methods of repair or reinstallation of Internet Explore 6 and Outlook Express. In some situations these methods will fix the problems you are having with these applications and other times it will not.

    • The tilde (~) file in Windows and what it means Image

      The tilde (~) file in Windows and what it means

      A common question that many people ask is what is the ~ file that you occasionally see on your desktop, Documents and Settings folder, or other location on your hard drive. This brief tutorial will explain what this file is and give suggestions on how to use it. When you edit a contact in the Outlook Express Windows Address Book, or WAB, a file named ~ may be created. This file is simply a backup of your Windows Address Book and is nothing to worry about. If you have Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 or MS03-014: April, 2003, Cumulative patch for Outlook Express installed on your computer than this will occur.

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